Here are essential and recommended books and videos:
The first four books here are essential reads and handy reference books by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride:
Gut and Psychology Syndrome is an Amazon Best Seller
Gut and Physiology Syndrome is an Amazon Best Seller
Vegetarianism Explained: Making an Informed Decision
Gut and Psychology Syndrome DVD
I love this DVD. This is a recording of Dr. Natasha speaking at the Wise Traditions Michigan Conference on Children’s Health on September 29th, 2007. It’s a classic where she explains GAPS and how it occurs.
This is the Official GAPS DVD set where Caroline Barringer and Kris Gustafson do a great job demonstrating how to make meat stock, cultured dairy like yogurt and sour cream, sauerkraut (very important), and later stage Introduction Diet recipes. These DVD’s will really take the mystery out of GAPS Diet food preparation.
The Complete Cooking Techniques for the GAPS Diet
Monica Corrado, MA, CNC, CGP is a teaching chef, certified nutrition consultant and certified GAPS practitioner. Dubbed “the GAPS Chef”, Monica teaches GAPS cooking in the GAPS Practitioner training with Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. This is a must have reference book that does a great job explaining the Intro Diet and laying out step-by-step preparation of all GAPS stages foods. Nice explanation of the difference between meat stock and bone broth, nice charts on how long to simmer different meat types when making meat stock, and other helpful charts for culturing dairy and soaking nuts and seeds.
GAPS, Stage by Stage, With Recipes
Becky Plotner, ND, traditional naturopath, CGP, D.PSc. is a Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor, through The American Naturopathic Medical Association and works as a Certified GAPS Practitioner. Dr. Becky serves on Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride’s GAPS Board of Directors and was chosen by Dr. Natasha as “The GAPS Expert” to teach others about GAPS, including her Certified GAPS Practitioners. Dr. Becky’s book is 447 pages that shows her experience to help you navigate through the Introduction Diet, the Full GAPS Diet, and beyond with many delicious recipes to keep you on track through your GAPS journey.